Maximum Flexibility

Maximum Flexibility

	The principle of Maximum Flexibility (or "Maxi-Flex") 
is simple enough:  when faced with two or more equally 
attractive or unattractive options, choose the 
CHEAPER/CHEAPEST alternative.  This preserves for 
partner the room to make any necessary corrective action.

		S- KJxx	H- KJxx	D- KJxx	C- x

	Playing SAYC, you open 1D and partner responds 2C.  
You now have the choice of three "lies" to tell partner:

1. 2D - 5+Diamonds and a 4-card major OR 6+Ds, 1-suited.  
2. 2H or 2S - A reverse, 16+ points, a 4-card suit & 5+Ds.
3. 2NT - 13-14 FLAT, thereby promising 2 or more Clubs.

	Of these 3 alternatives, 2D is clearly the most 
versatile "lie".  It allows partner room to bid a 4-card 
holding in EITHER major (which you would then raise to 
the 3-level), to rebid in No Trump OR to rebid the Club 

	Maxi-Flex comes up very often.

	S- KJxx	H- Axxxx	D- AKx	C- x

	Over a natural 1C opening we have several options 
here:  1H, a Michaels 2C (if the pair will allow 4-5's) 
and a double.  The double is best, since not only does 
it not bury one or both of the pointed suits (i.e. Spades 
and/or Diamonds) but it also allows partner to PASS for 
penalty when appropriate.

	We Maxi-Flex advocates consider it so fundamental 
to good bidding that we teach it to students as soon as 
they know the rank of the suits -- and we wait that long 
only so that the student will understand what 
"cheaper/cheapest" suit means!  :)

KaleidoScope Lesson #2 on Maxi-Flex
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